500+ units sold last month


*Fitness and Massage

*fits all body types

*Relaxation and stress relief

*Confidence boost

Sale price€29,99


 Efficient Fat Burner

Burn fat 2-3x faster than regular hoops in just 30 minutes a day. Enjoy a toned waist and a relaxing massage to soothe back pain while achieving your fitness goals effortlessly.

 Versatile Home Exercise

Experience a fun and effective workout anytime, anywhere. Compact in design, this hoola hoop is ideal for home use, allowing you to exercise indoors or outdoors without occupying much space

Silent & Secure Design

Enjoy a quiet workout session with silent bearings and adjustable size for a snug fit. The 24 detachable components ensure a secure connection, providing stability and preventing slippage during your workout routines

Beginner-Friendly Fitness Tool

Perfect for beginners, kids, and adults alike. The hoola hoop is easy to assemble, making it a convenient accessory for fitness and muscle training. Say goodbye to complexity and hello to a straightforward exercise regime

 Relaxing & Waist Trimming

Indulge in a relaxing waist massage while toning your body. Relieve lower back pain, refine your waistline, and aid weight loss efforts with this innovative hoola hoop, designed for relaxation and effective fitness results

easy installation steps

why choose our hula hoops?


have any specific questions?send us an email at; shopemporium2024@gmail.com